What is Tetraploid Ryegrass?
Posted by Mark Wilton on

What is tetraploid Ryegrass, in this blog we look a grass seed with overseeding in mind for winter sports pitches and possibly outfields. Tetraploid Ryegrass is nothing new but up to this year was new to me and maybe new to others reading, in reality they have been around since 2012, further back in agriculture. Below the article we also have some testimonials from groundsmen already using tetraploid mixes and getting good results. Tetraploids vs Diploids A standard ryegrass seed mixes plant are diploids these contain 14 chromosomes and Tetraploids contain 28. What is a chromosome and why are they...
Guide to Fertilising Sport Pitches | TurfCareShop
Posted by Mark Wilton on

In this blog we look at the what’s, when’s and how’s of fertilising from a Groundsman/Greenkeepers point of view, as l am not qualified to advise on fertilisers. These are just some of my thoughts and for product specific talk to your FACTS qualified sales rep. Starting Point of a fertilising guide! Something worth bearing in mind is fertilising ideally should be based on soil analysis test results, this testing is best carried out during the plant’s less active period of growth. Speak to your fertiliser sales rep, who should be about to point you in the right direction, in...
Community Q+A on Fertilisers
Posted by Mark Wilton on

This blog is based on over 20 questions asked by the TurfCareBlog community during a TurfChat Evening.Community Q+A answered by Mark Wilton shop partner. What’s Marks thoughts on applying Fertiliser before or after pre-season, is it wasted if applied just before? I'm guessing you are referring to cricket? If the plant looks hungry, then I would recommend feeding. Main thing to remember is little and often is the best practice. How much does frost affect fertiliser that has already been applied? Once applied frost won't be a problem, don't apply fertiliser though in frosty conditions for risk of scorching the plant. A question more about...
Soil Testing on Sport Turf- How, When, Why
Posted by Mark Wilton on

Soil testing on Sport Turf- How, When, Why? Also see my own How to Take Soil Samples on Site, at the base of the blog. Soil testing on sports turf -how, when, why is a timely blog on soil testing especially in terms of macro and micro nutrients levels, within the soil reserves. NRM are a laboratory who specialise in the soil testing and plant tissue analysis answer twelve questions, posted by our community. Some of our community questions were outside of their testing services, and have kindly been answered by Mark Wilton (MWTurfcare) who is better placed to provide answers....
- Tags: blogs
5 Reasons to Feed Your Turf This Winter
Posted by Mark Wilton on

5 Reasons to Feed Your Turf This Winter This blog explores why do we need to feed turf in the winter, with what, when especially when budgets are tight and treasurers may be looking to make savings. I am not an expert or qualified to go into this too deeply, but here is what l do know or have researched for the good of the blog. Apparently, the plant requires 13 nutrients to flourish, these are made up of macro elements, such as N, P, K, Mg, Ca and Su and micro elements which the grass plant requires less of,...